Results for "mutation"


  • Molecular Genetics Lecture

    "Robert Sapolsky makes interdisciplinary connections between behavioral biology and molecular genetic influences. He relates protein synthesis and point mutations to microevolutionary change, and discusses conflicting theories of gradualism and punctuated equilibrium and the influence of epigenet...

    Tags: molecular genetics, DNA, protein, mutation, genomics, genetics, epigenetics, molecular evolution

    3885 days ago

  • STRUM: structure-based prediction of protein stability changes upon single-point mutation

    STRUM is a method for predicting the fold stability change (ΔΔG) of protein molecules upon single-point nsSNP mutations. STRUM adopts a gradient boosting regression approch to train the Gibbs free-energy changes on a variety of features at different levels of sequence and structure pr...

    Tags: STRUM, structure-based, prediction, protein, stability, changes, single-point, mutation

    2075 days ago

  • maftools

    With advances in Cancer Genomics, Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) is being widely accepted and used to store somatic variants detected. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project has sequenced over 30 different cancers with sample size of each cancer type being over 200. Resulting data consisting of somati...

    Tags: maftools, maf, format, snp, variant, genome, mutation

    882 days ago

  • DIAL

    A computational pipeline for identifying single-base substitutions between two closely related genomes without the help of a reference genome. DIAL works even when the depth of coverage is insufficient for de novo assembly, and it can be extended to determine small insertions/deletions. Our main ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, DIAL, Mutation, Genome, Reference, Pipeline

    2633 days ago