Results for "nr"


  • Update NCBI BLAST database in your local Linux system $ update_blastdb --passive --decompress nr nt #BLAST #Updates #NT #NR #Linux

    Tags: BLAST, Updates, NT, NR, Linux

    2874 days ago

  • Need help in Blastn?

    I am doing megablast of a contig against NR database, but unable to understand this -outfmt '6 qseqid staxids qstart qend sstart send qseq sseq evalue length' Can you please help me to undestand all these.

    Tags: Blastn, BLAST, Nucleotide, Alignment, Database, NR, Contig, NGS

    2869 days ago

  • BLAST nr version 5 database, (nr_v5)

    NCBI have made changes the nr version 5 database, (nr_v5), to facilitate better search results and improved performance by reducing the number of redundant titles in the nr_v5 database used by webBLAST, which is also available for BLAST+ users. The changes in nr preserve the taxonomic div...

    Tags: BLAST, NCBI, nr, version, 5, database, nr_v5

    1710 days ago