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NCBI have made changes the nr version 5 database, (nr_v5), to facilitate better search results and improved performance by reducing the number of redundant titles in the nr_v5 database used by webBLAST, which is also available for BLAST+ users.
The changes in nr preserve the taxonomic diversity of the entries in the database while reducing the number of titles for identical sequences. GenPept accessions are still accessible via$GENBANK_ACCESSION or the IPG website
The "Identical Proteins" link in the alignments section of the webBLAST results takes you to a full list of all accessions associated with a sequence.
For BLAST+ users downloading nr_v5: the database is now approximately 50% smaller, resulting in faster downloads and BLAST searches, and smaller disk space requirements. The database is downloadable at:
For BLAST+ there is a cleanup script to help you manage the transition to this smaller database. The script removes unused database volumes:
Here are the new rules on how we keep titles in nr_v5:
1. We keep all refseq, swissprot, pir and PDB titles.
2. We keep any GenPept titles with a TAXID that has not already been seen in the record.
3. We keep at least five GenPept titles regardless of whether the TAXIDS have been seen before or not in this record.
Blast database version5 tutorial