Results for "online booking for blood test"


  • Extract fasta sequences with ids in another file !

    #Ids are in test.txt - one ids per line #sequences are in test.fa grep -w -A 2 -f test.txt test.fa --no-group-separator # seqtk seqtk subseq test.fa test.txt #faSomeRecods faSomeRecords in.fa listFile out.fa # seqkit seqkit grep -n -f list.txt sequences.fas > newfile2.fas

    882 days ago

  • bash script to extract sequence by ids !

    Use a Perl one-liner, grep and seqtk subseq to extract the desired fasta sequences: # Create test...GAAAGAAGTATTACTAG Note that seqtk can be installed, for example, using conda.

    817 days ago

  • Install R in Ubuntu / Linux !

    #R is a feature rich interpretive programming language originall...It is heavily used in the bioinformatics community largely due t...ithout X11, a windowing system for displays. We’d also specify -...r location and create symlinks for t.../bin/R ~/workspace/bin/R ## test installation cd ~/workspace/...

    816 days ago

  • Install StringTie on ubuntu / Linux !

    #StringTie is a software program to perform transcript assembly and quantification of RNAseq...ace/bin/stringtie-1.3.0.Linux_x86_64/stringtie ~/workspace/bin/stringtie # test installation ~/workspace/bin...

    816 days ago

  • Install GATK 4 using conda !

    #GATK is a toolkit developed by the broad institute focused prim...o create a virtual environment for GATK by using the yaml file i...ithin GATK as the instructions for creating the virtual environm...# create conda environment for g...gatk ~/workspace/bin/gatk # test installation source activate...

    805 days ago

  • Commands to Find and replace in file(s0) !

    #Use SED sed -i 's/my/your/g' test.txt test2.txt test3.txt #Use FIND and SED find . -name *.txt -exec sed -i 's/my/your/g' {} \; #Use AWK awk '{sub(/{OLD_TERM}/,{NEW_TERM}); print}' {file} awk '{sub(/my/,your); print}' test.txt awk '{gsub(/i/,"a"); print}' test.txt

    763 days ago

  • Perl script for chi-squared test !

    #!/usr/bin/perl # # # # A script to perform a chi-squared test of the dinucleotide frequenc...GT TA TC TG TT); # hashes for obersered and expected dinucl...increment the hash counter foreach my $i (0..length($seq)){...###### # Perform chi-squared test ############################...

    404 days ago