Results for "peak calling"


  • Estimate Genome Size

    # Count k-mer occurrence using Jellyfish 2.2.6 jellyfish count -t 8 -C -m 19 -s 5G -o 19mer_out --min-qual-char=? sread_1.fastq sread_2.fastq # points for a histogram jellyfish histo -o 19mer_out.histo 19mer_out #Plot results using R ##load the data into dataframe19 dataframe19

    2259 days ago

  • Downloading GATK !

    ...----------------------- Base Calling:...ty for specified Illumina basecalling data. CollectIlluminaB...eads in a HiSeqX Illumina Basecalling directory into various catego...Tools that perform variant calling and genotyping for short vari...

    2070 days ago

  • Samtools commands for bioinformatician !

    ## count mapped reads samtools view -c -F 260 mapping_f...asta sal_sej_sorted.bam.bam > sal_vars.bcf ### calling snp and indels # -c : find s...cftools" to see current version and commands ### calling snp and indels with no freque...

    1597 days ago

  • Basic docker commands !

    jit@jit-HP-Pro-3335-MT:~/Downloads/testDock$ sudo docker system df TYPE TOTAL ACTIV...- Citation - autoConTAMPR: Automatic Contingency Table Analysis of Minority Peak Ra...

    1504 days ago

  • Corona variant calling steps !

    #!/bin/bash FILE_PATH="data/trimmed_fastq_small/" find "$FILE_PATH" -name "*.fasta" | while IFS= read -r my_file do filename=$(basename "$my_file") basenam...

    1039 days ago