Results for "plant and virus miRNA"


  • The First 50 Plant Genomes

    Plant scientists can exploit available 50 plant complete genomic data for their res...r other related projects for understanding the genetic mechanism behind their different traits and molecular evolution. Complete information about these

    3842 days ago

  • MIRO : miRNA omics

    The MIRO (the miRNA omics) pipeline is a flexible and powerful tool for the analysis of miRNA (or mor...nt mappers, create differential gene (miRNA) expression profiles and cluster reads using one of seve...with software such as genome browsers and miRDeep.

    2762 days ago

  • MCscan

    MCscan is a computer program that can simultaneously scan multiple genomes to identify homologous chromosomal regions and subsequently align these regi...rating the synteny correspondences in Plant...Database. It is intended as an easy-to-use and q...

    2684 days ago

  • Quota synteny alignment

    Typically in comparative genomics, we can identify anchors, chain them into syntenic blocks and interpret these blocks as derived from a commo...genomes undergone ancient genome duplications (plant...given the expected depth (quota) along both x- and y...

    2463 days ago

  • HTTDB - Horizontally transferred transposable elements database

    Transposons or Transposable elements (TEs) are "mobile genes" ca...s mediated by its own proteins and does not contribute to the su...anspose the species boundaries and consequently migrate from one...nly due to the historical bias and lack of studies in many taxa. T...database to include Horizontal-Virus...

    2287 days ago

  • Tallymer: method to compute K-mer frequencies and its application to annotate large repetitive plant genomes

    Tallymer is based on enhanced suffix arrays. This gives a much larger flexibility concerning the choice of the&...bases. We used it in a variety of applications to study the genomes of maize and other plant...

    2264 days ago

  • UCSC SARS-CoV-2 Genome Browser

    The UCSC SARS-CoV-2 Genome Browser ( is an...lar genome-browser visualization tool for this virus, containing many annotation tracks and new features, including conservation with similar viruses, immune epitopes, RT–PCR and s...

    843 days ago

  • miREM: an expectation-maximization approach for prioritizing miRNAs associated with gene-set

    From list of genes... ... to microRNAs Using established miRNA-interaction databases, miREM combines hypergeometric and expectation-maximization algorithms to sieve through your genetic data for microRNA signatures

    2082 days ago

  • GenomeThreader: Gene Prediction Software

    GenomeThreader is a software tool to compute gene structure predictions. The gene a similarity-based approach where additional cDNA/EST and/o...popular gene prediction program which is widely used for plant...

    2033 days ago

  • multiPhATE: bioinformatics pipeline for functional annotation of phage isolates

    multiple-genome Phage Annotation Toolkit and Evaluator (multiPhATE). multiPhATE is a throughput pipeline...corporates a de novo phage gene-calling algorithm and assigns putative functions to gene calls using protein-, virus-, and p...

    1809 days ago