Results for "protein"


  • I-PV: Interactive Protein Sequence Visualization

    I-PV is a interactive data visualization software designed for inspection of protein sequences and mutation information. It is mainly used for Genetics and Bioinformatics. So what exactly makes it standout?

    Tags: I-PV, Interactive, Protein, Sequence, Visualization

    2491 days ago

  • 3D-Jury: a simple approach to improve protein structure predictions #Protein #Predict #Structure

    Tags: Protein, Predict, Structure

    2357 days ago

  • Foldit: Solve Puzzles for Science

    Foldit is an online puzzle video game about protein folding. It is part of an experimental research project developed by the University of Washington, Center for Game Science, in collaboration with the UW Department of Biochemistry. The objective of Foldit is to fold...

    Tags: Foldit, Solve, Puzzles, Science, Protein

    2319 days ago

  • JPred4: A Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Server

    JPred4 ( is the latest version of the popular JPred protein secondary structure prediction server which provides predictions by the JNet algorithm, one of the most accurate methods for secondary structure prediction.

    Tags: JPred4, Protein, Secondary, Structure, Prediction, Server

    2311 days ago

  • Protein Subcellular Localization Prediction

    Assigning subcellular localization to a protein is an important step towards elucidating its interaction partners, function, and potential role(s) in the cellular machinery. Computational tools offer an attractive complement to time-consuming and laborious experimental methods. http://abi.inf.un...

    Tags: Protein, Subcellular, Localization, Prediction

    2250 days ago

  • Binding Site Prediction in Protein !

    The interaction between proteins and other molecules is fundamental to all biological functions. In this section we include tools that can assist in prediction of interaction sites on protein surface and tools for predicting the structure of the intermolecular complex formed between two or more m...

    Tags: Binding, Site, Prediction, Protein, Bioinformatics, Interactions, Structure, Ligand, Bind, Tools, Server

    2195 days ago

  • Protein-Protein Interaction Sites Predictions !

    The study of Protein–Protein Interactions (PPIs) has a crucial role in biology, medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. PPIs can be investigated from two aspects: The interaction partners of a specific protein and the amino acid residues participating in a given PPI. Information about a p...

    Tags: Protein, Interaction, Sites, Predictions, Tools, Servers

    2195 days ago

  • Ligand Docking Tools and Software !

    Ligand docking referred to cases where small molecule (“ligand”) is being docked into much larger macromolecule ("target"). The following is partial list of docking software, focusing on free (at least for academic institutes) and/or popular docking tools.  AutoDock Stochastic ...

    Tags: Ligand, Docking, Tools, Software, Protein

    2195 days ago

  • Tools for Protein-Protein Docking !

    Predicting the structure of protein–protein complexes using docking approaches is a difficult problem whose major challenges include identifying correct solutions, and properly dealing with molecular flexibility and conformational changes. Following are the tools to predict the structu...

    Tags: Tools, Protein-Protein, Docking, Software, Protein, Prediction, Interation

    2195 days ago

  • #tBLASTn #command line $ tblastn -query Avaga.pep.out.45.fa -db myDB -outfmt 6 -out output_file -evalue 1e-5 -max_target_seqs 1 #Blast #Protein

    Tags: tBLASTn, command, Blast, Protein

    2131 days ago