Results for "read depth"


  • Comparison of Short Read De Novo Alignment Algorithms

    Excellent article to introduce different sequencing methods along with tools for de novo assembly of sequencing reads and their relevant references. Title: Comparison of Short Read De Novo Alignment Algorithms  Author: Nikhil Gopal

    3902 days ago

  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Tutorials

    Institute of computational biomedicine, Cornell University provide an NGS workshop tut...bioinformatics/btr441 ngs_backbone: a pipeline for read cleaning, mapping and SNP cal...p:// DDBJ read...

    3480 days ago

  • New RNA Seq tool

    "By removing the time-consuming step of read mapping, the authors reported, Sailfish able to provide quantification estimates 20–30 times faster than current methods without loss of accuracy." Tool link:

    3655 days ago

  • COSMOS, our workflow management system for NGS data

    COSMOS, our Python-based management system for implementing large-scale parallel workflows focusing on, but not restricted to, large-scale short-read...

    3566 days ago

  • GraphMap - A highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-prone reads

    GraphMap is a novel mapper targeted at aligning long, error-prone third-generation seq...designed to handle Oxford Nanopore MinION 1d and 2d reads with very high sensitiv...nt improvement over the state-of-the-art for PacBio read...

    3217 days ago

  • Scaffolding of a bacterial genome using MinION nanopore sequencing

    Second generation sequencing has revolutionized genomic studies. However, most genomes...tain repeated DNA elements that are longer than the read lengths achievable with typic...eration of sequencers offering substantially longer reads...

    3217 days ago

  • Resolving the complexity of the human genome using single-molecule sequencing

    The human genome is arguably the most complete mammalian reference assembly yet more than 160 euchromatic gaps rem...titive DNA that can now be largely resolved with the application of this longer-read...

    3213 days ago

  • Pilon

    Pilon is a software tool which can be used to: Automatically improve draft assemblies Find variat...put a FASTA file of the genome along with one or more BAM files of reads aligned to the input FASTA file. Pilon uses read...

    3001 days ago

  • HiCdat

    HiCdat: a fast and easy-to-use Hi-C data analysis tool HiCdat is easy-to-use and provides solutions starting from aligned reads up to in-depth analyses. Importantly, HiCdat is focussed on t...

    2997 days ago

  • Stacks

    Stacks is a software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences, such as those generated on the Illumina platform. Stacks was developed to work with restriction enzyme-base...

    2985 days ago