Results for "read depth"

Top-level pages

  • Short-read assembly using Spades !

    If we only had Illumina reads, we could also assemble these using the tool Spades. You can try this...ta as we used above: illumina_R1.fastq.gz: the Illumina forward reads illumina_R2.fastq.gz: the Illumina reverse reads...

    819 days ago

  • Read Simulators

    Short Read Simulators With the popularity of next-generation se...(NGS) technologies, many NGS read simulators have been, many of the popular short read simulators are designed to si...below are some popular short read simulators. Links to their pu...tly, many of the popular long read...

    577 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for genome assembly !

    There are numerous genome assembly tools available, each with its assembler optimized for short-read sequencing data. SOAPden...aph-based assembler designed for short reads, widely used for assembling...esLR): An extension of SPAdes for long-read...

    280 days ago

  • Mitochondrial genome assembly tools !

    Mitochondrial genome assembly tools are specialized software and algorith...otate mitochondrial genes from trimmed read sequencing data. MitoHiFi: a...ome assembly from PacBio high fidelity reads MITObim: MITObim is a tool...gorithm and is suitable for both short-read...

    236 days ago