Results for "vcf2maf"


  • vcf2maf convert !

    ...t, but not as both. This selection of a single effect per variant, is often subjective. And that's what this project attempts to standardize. The vcf2maf and maf2maf scripts leave mos...

    876 days ago

Top-level pages


  • vcf2maf convert !

    To convert a VCF into a MAF, each variant must be mapped to only one of all possible gene transcripts/isoforms that it might affect. But even within a single isoform, a Missense_Mutation close enough to a Splice_Site, can be labeled as either in MAF format, but not as both. This selection of a si...

    Tags: maftools, maf, vcf2maf, convert, format

    876 days ago