Results for "assembly"


  • String graph based genome assembly software and tools !

    In graph theory, a string graph is an intersection graph of curves in the plane; each curve is called a "string".  String graphs were first proposed by E. W. Myers in a 2005 publication. In recent Genome Research paper describing an...

    Tags: String, graph, genome, assembly, software, tools !

    2320 days ago

  • Converting a VCF into a FASTA given some reference !

    Samtools/BCFtools (Heng Li) provides a Perl script which does this, the function vcf2fq (lines 469-528) This script has been modified by others to convert InDels as well, e.g. this by David Eccles ./ -f <input.fasta> <all-site.vcf> ...

    Tags: Convert, VCF, FASTA, reference, genome, assembly, phase

    2107 days ago

  • CANU genome assembly parameters !

    Choose the appropriate parameters to run Canu and run it. The assembly will take about an hour. You can use two cores (parameter -maxThreads=2) and you would like to disable cluster option, since we compute on a single Amazon server set off the option to compute on cluster useGrid=false...

    Tags: CANU, genome, assembly, parameters, NGS, LongReads, OLC

    1936 days ago

  • List of tools frequently used while genome assembly

    List of tools frequently used while genome assembly: I have used the following assemblers Spades (v. 3.10.1) CANU (v. 1.6) Unicycler (v. v0.4.1) Miniasm (v. 0.2-r137-dirty) I have used the following mappers minimap2 (v. 2.0rc1-r232) minimap (v. 0.2...

    Tags: List, tools, frequently, genome, assembly

    1921 days ago

  • Software for genome assembly !

    List of bioinformatics tools/Software Website References for genome assembly: 1 Falcon 2 Canu assembler 3 Miniasm assembler 4 PBJelly scaffolding tool https://...

    Tags: List, bioinformatics, tools, Software, Website, References, genome, assembly

    1335 days ago

  • Illumina based assembly pipeline steps !

    Illumina Merge re-sequenced FastQ files (cat) Read QC (FastQC) Adapter trimming (fastp) Removal of host reads (Kraken 2; optional) Variant calling Read alignment (Bowtie 2) Sort and index alignments (SAMtools) Primer sequence removal (iVar; amplicon data only) Duplicate read marking (p...

    Tags: assembly, pipeline, genome, illumina

    869 days ago

  • Installing Bandage on Ubunty !

    The following instructions successfully build Bandage ( ) on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04: Ensure the package lists are up-to-date: sudo apt-get update Install prerequisite packages: sudo apt-get install build-essential git qtbase5-dev libqt5...

    Tags: Install, Bandage, Ubuntu, Linux, Make, Tools, Genome, Assembly

    2181 days ago

  • Installing Trinity !

    Download this ➜ cd trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.6.6 ➜ trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.6.6 git:(master) ✗ make Using gnu compiler for Inchworm and Chrysalis cd Inchworm && (test -e configure || autoreconf) \ ...

    Tags: Installing, Trinity, RNA-seq, NGS, Assembly, Transcriptomics

    2125 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    In this protocol, we address and describe the de novo assembly method for small to medium-sized genomes. What is de novo genome assembly?The method of taking a large number of short DNA sequences and placing them back together to create a reflection of the original chromosomes from which the DNA...

    Tags: Protocol, De novo, Genome, Assembly, Illumina, Reads

    1196 days ago