Fragile sites are specific chromosomal region that exhibit an increased frequency of chromosdomal breakge when cells are exposed to replicative stress. Since from the discovery of chromosomal fragile sites/regions (CFS), several line of evidence...
Ansible is a universal language, unraveling the mystery of how work gets done. Turn tough tasks into repeatable playbooks. Roll out enterprise-wide protocols with the push of a button. Give your team the tools to automate, solve, and share.
Alonge M, Soyk S, Ramakrishnan S, Wang X, Goodwin S, Sedlazeck FJ, Lippman ZB, Schatz MC: Fast and accurate reference-guided scaffolding of draft genomes. bioRxiv 2019.
RaGOO is a tool for coalescing genome assembly contigs into...
DBT-BET JRF 2019 Exam was held successfully on 14th April 2019. Official Question Paper & Answer key of DBT-BET 2019 Exam has been released.
The best part about the DBT-BET Exam is both the question paper & answer key is released...
DBT-BET JRF 2019 Exam was held successfully on 14th April 2019. Official Question Paper & Answer key of DBT-BET 2019 Exam has been released.
The best part about the DBT-BET Exam is both the question paper & answer key is released...