stat is also a nice command to know the detail statistics of the file.
stat <fileName>
How about this oneliner ;)
perl -ne 'chomp;if( />(.*)/){$head = $1; $i=0; next};@a=split("",$_); foreach(@a){$i++;if($_ eq "N" && $s ==0 ){print "$head\t$i"; $s =1}elsif($s==1 && $_ ne "N"){print "\t$i\n";$s=0}}' infile
Kill Attached Screen in Linux
screen -X -S SCREENID kill
alternatively, you can use the following command
screen -S SCREENNAME -p 0 -X quit
You can view the list of the screen sessions by executing screen -ls
To block a node
srun --partition=compute --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=40 --pty