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Question: Question: How much do bioinformatics earn?

1425 days ago

Question: How much do bioinformatics earn?

How much a bioinformatician is being paid ?


Hmmm we earn enough to survive. If you compare to the software engineer, you'd be gravely ill.


That’s a rather personal question. But I choose to answer ... Bioinformatician earn around Rs. 10-20 lakh(15-30k US dollar s) per Annum


Bioinformatian earn around 60 to 80k US dollars in USA. But it also varies between the companies. Salaries in few major companies · Illumina $ 1,20,998 Range: $106K - $132K · Thermo Fisher Scientific $ 1,18,677 Range: $74K - $260K · Monsanto Company $ 1,10,126