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Now bioinformatics enters into a new era, where computational knowledge is getting more previliedged. Now a days, bioinformaticians develop algorithms and data pipelines to efficiently analyze and process huge amounts of biological data. This requires substantial knowledge in both fields: information technology ( need more or less like a computer programmer !!) and biology. Information technology encompasses software project engineering, data base design, mathematics, etc. Biology includes disciplines such as molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics, immunology, etc. Computational biology mainly focusses on the use or adaption of software with the major aim of deducing novel biological insights while bioinformatics usually relies on information technology, i.e. scientists with a strong background in information technology apply their methods to biological challenges.
Now a days, the bioinformatics and computational biology are appied in various sector such as Sequencing and Sequence Analysis, Macromolecular Structure, Dynamics and Function, Mutations, Variations, and Population Genomics, Evolution, Phylogeny, and Comparative Genomics, Protein Interactions, Molecular Networks, and Proteomics, Regulation, Pathways, and Systems Biology, Bioimaging, Spatio-temporal Modeling and Data Visualization, Databases, Ontologies, and Text Mining, Bioinformatics of Health and Disease, Biomarkers and Personalized Medicine. Therefore, no need to worry you can join any of your interested area and expplore the complex biology at best.
As such bioinformatics have no boundaries, you can apply in almost all biology related areas. There are different types of career opportunities available for different stream students:
Life Sciences: Scientific Curator, Gene Analyst, Protein Analyst, Phylogenitist, Research Scientist/Associate.
Computer Science / Engineering: Data base programmer, Bio-informtics software developer, Computational biologist, Network Administrator / Analyst.
Applied Science: Structural analyst, Molecular Modeler, Bio-statistician, Bio-mechanics, Database programmer.
Pharmaceutial Science: Cheminformatician, Pharmacogenetician, Pharmacogenomics, Research Scientist / Associate.