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  • HairSplitter: assembling long reads in an unknown number of haplotypes

HairSplitter: assembling long reads in an unknown number of haplotypes


Pros and cons of HairSplitter Limitations of HairSplitter:

Not very fast: it re-polishes the whole assembly 

Limited in the number of haplotypes

Strengths of HairSplitter:

Very modular, can be used with any assembler

Naive: makes no assumption on ploidy, parameter-free

Safe: won’t artificially duplicate contigs


HairSplitter splits collapsed assemblies from “draft” assemblies obtained by any means

HairSplitter can recover haplotypes and distinguish repeated elements

Only needs sequencing reads, potentially error-prone

HairSplitter splits collapsed assemblies from “draft” assemblies obtained by any means

HairSplitter can recover haplotypes and distinguish repeated elements

Only needs sequencing reads, potentially error-prone

Not really available yet (github.com/RolandFaure/HairSplitter)
