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Carrot2 clustering engine



This is the demo application of the Carrot2 clustering engine. It uses Carrot2's algorithms to organize search results into thematic folders.

User interfaces

  • Web Search Clustering organizes search results from public search engines into clusters; offers treemap- and pie-chart visualizations of the clusters.
  • Clustering Workbench clusters content from local files in JSON or Excel format, Solr or Elasticsearch; allows tuning of clustering parameters and exporting results as Excel or JSON.

Search engines

  • Webweb search results provided by etools.ch. Extensive use may require special arrangements with the owner of the etools.ch service.
  • PubMedabstracts of medical papers from the PubMed database provided by NCBI.
  • Local filecontent read from a local file in Carrot2 XML, JSON, CSV or Excel format.
  • Solrqueries an Apache Solr instance.
  • Elasticsearchqueries an Elasticsearch instance.

Clustering algorithms

  • Lingocreates well-described flat clusters. Does not scale beyond a few thousand search results. Available as part of the open source Carrot2 framework.
  • STCthe classic search results clustering algorithm. Produces flat cluster with adequate description, very fast. Available as part of the open source Carrot2 framework
  • k-meansbase line clustering algorithm, produces bag-of-words style cluster descriptions. Available as part of the open source Carrot2 framework