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ExRec (Exclusion of Recombined DNA) is a Python pipeline that implements the four-gamete test to filter out recombined DNA sites from up to thousands of DNA sequence loci. The pipeline consists of five standalone applications: the first two convert folders of NEXUS or PHYLIP files into the standard input file for the main program that conducts the four-gamete filtering procedures. The pipeline outputs recombination-filtered data in concatenated NEXUS and PHYLIP formats and a tab-delimited table containing descriptive statistics for all loci and the results. This software also allows the user to output the longest non-recombined sequence blocks from loci (current best practice) or randomly select non-recombined blocks from loci (a newer approach). Two other applications in the package convert the recombination-filtered data into single-locus NEXUS or PHYLIP files. The ExRec package can thus facilitate species delimitation, species tree, and historical demography studies by providing loci that better meet the no-recombination assumption in coalescent-based analyses.
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