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Variant Calling Pipeline


The variantcalling.nf nextflow script will take any number of samples with paired-end reads in FASTQ format, map reads using Bowtie2, process BAM files, and finally call variants using BCFtools v1.21 and/or Freebayes v1.3.6. If part of the pipeline is unsuccessful for a sample then these errors are ignored.

Pipeline flowchart:


Dependencies (version tested)

  • Nextflow (24.04.4)
  • Java (
  • Python (3.10)
  • Perl (5.32.1)
  • Bowtie2 (2.5.3)
  • SAMtools (1.19.2)
  • GATK4 (4.5)
  • BCFtools (1.21)
  • Freebayes (1.3.6)