We are pleased to announce a Postdoctoral Scholar position to study
bacterial evolution at the Pathogen and Microbiome Institute at
Northern Arizona University with Professor Paul Keim. The scholar
will have the opportunity also work with Professor Sam Sheppard at
The University of Oxford on joint projects. See our recent paper
on interspecific gene flow in Campylobacter. (DOI:

The job description: "This research position focuses on the science
of bacterial evolution. It will consist of researching theoretical
principles, but could include translational applications. Phylogenomic
and bioinformatic analysis of bacterial populations in nature or
in laboratory experiments will be a key component of the work. Prior
experience is an asset though training will be possible at PMI.
Likewise, laboratory microbiological, molecular, and biochemical
skills are an asset though not essential. Communication and critical
thinking skills are essential for performing the work and for
communicating to the local and international scientific communities.
Participating in team or independent grant writing to obtain research
funding will be required. Student mentoring is a part of the NAU
mission and is a partial expectation."


Northern Arizona University is located in Flagstaff, Arizona, a
beautiful mountain town with a surprisingly vibrant restaurant
scene. Located a little over an hour from the Grand Canyon and ~45
min from Sedona, Flagstaff is a hiker's paradise. In fact, the city
of Flagstaff operates more than 50 miles of unpaved trails and there
are, on average, 266 sunny days per year with which to enjoy them.
At 7000 ft in elevation, Flagstaff experiences all four seasons,
but thesummers are mild and, in the winter, you can be on the ski
slopes within 30 min! https://www.flagstaffarizona.org/

As mentioned, joint projects with Professor Sheppard at Oxford
University are possible, including travel to his laboratory in the
United Kingdom. https://www.biology.ox.ac.uk/people/samuel-sheppard

Contact Information:

Paul S. Keim, Ph.D.
Regents Professor, &
Cowden Endowed Chair of Microbiology
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4073

Paul S Keim

Salary NA