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Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology

An Autonomous National Institute under Government of India,
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Biotechnology

No: RGCB/ Advt./2014/1
January 24, 2014

Scientist Positions

Group Leader in Computational Biology/Bioinformatics
A highly motivated and innovative individual who will pursue basic research, solve biological problems with emphasis on computational and quantitative experimental methods and build active bridges to translational research. The scientist will also provide computational biology support to analyze complex data sets generated by RGCB scientists and collaborators.

Location: Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum)

The above positions will be at the E-II, F or equivalent levels. For senior applicants with an outstanding track record, an option of a contract career path for research excellence at Scientist G or H equivalent level can also be discussed. All positions will initially be for 5 years. Essential and desired qualifications as well as other relevant details for all the above positions are posted on the RGCB website (http://www.rgcb.res.in. The last date for receiving applications is March 14, 2014.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology
Thycaud, P.O., Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 014
Ph.: 91-471-2529400 (30 Lines), 2347975, 2348104, 2348753, 2345899
Fax: 91-471-2348096, 2346333

More at http://rgcb.res.in/jobs.html

Salary Negotiable