Research Fellow Bioinformatics
Eligibility : MSc(Bio-Chemistry, Bio-Informatics, Bio-Tech)
Location : Ajmer
Last Date : 13 Feb 2016
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview
Central University of Rajasthan
Research Fellow Job vacancies in... - This is a collection of libraries and high-quality end-user scripts for bioinformatic analysis, including working with gene annotation, collecting data scores from a variety of modern file formats, and conversion between file formats. The... - Destruct is a tool for joint prediction of rearrangement breakpoints from single or multiple tumour samples.
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Commercial tools
Strand NGS
offers many different tools including alignment, RNA-Seq, DNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, Small RNA-Seq, Genome Browser, visualizations, Biological Interpretation, etc. Supports workflows “one can import the sample data in... - REAPR is a tool that evaluates the accuracy of a genome assembly using mapped paired end reads, without the use of a reference genome for comparison. It can be used in any stage of an assembly pipeline to automatically break incorrect scaffolds and... - The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce students to the frequently used tools for NGS analysis as well as giving experience in writing one-liners. Copy the required files to your current directory, change directory (cd) to the linuxTutorial... - These tutorials are written for hundreds of bioinformaticians trying to cope with large volume of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. NGS technologies brought a dramatic shift in the world of sequencing. Merely five years back, genome sequencing...
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) ( is seeking a highly motivated and skilled faculty member for the Bioinformatics track whose research focuses on development of methods and tools for Bioinformatics and...
SLURM is a queue management system and stands for Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management. SLURM was developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab and currently runs some of the largest compute clusters in the world.
SLURM is similar in...