PhD opportunity at Université de Liège - Belgium
The Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Unit of Université de Liège (Belgium) is looking for a highly motivated master student with programming skills for a PhD thesis project (4 years, fully...
The Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Group at the University of Macau is inviting applications for PhD Position. Applicants will work on a research project focusing on the flexible receptor protein-ligand docking algorithms for...
Bio-Linux, a fully-featured, powerful, configurable, and easy to maintain bioinformatics workstation built on the Ubuntu operating system, has been upgraded to version 8.0.5 and is now available for download.
Transcription is the process by which the information in DNA is copied into messenger RNA (mRNA) for protein production. Originally created for DNA Interactive ( ). TRANSCRIPT: The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology: "DNA makes...
R is a functional based language, the inputs to a function, including options, are in brackets. Note that all dat and options are separated by a comma
Function(data, options)
Even quit is a function
So is...
Integrated solutions * CLCbio Genomics Workbench - de novo and reference assembly of Sanger, Roche FLX, Illumina, Helicos, and SOLiD data. Commercial next-gen-seq software that extends the CLCbio Main Workbench software. Includes SNP detection,...
Researchers in Andhra Pradesh have developed a database to identify genes that are common in tumours to provide their colleagues with easy access to insights into the genetic alterations in cancer. - MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline.Its purpose is to allow smaller eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome projects to independently annotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats,... - Convenient conversions between genome assemblie. The liftover package makes it easy to remap genomic coordinates to a different genome assembly.
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