- CrossMap is a program for convenient conversion of genome coordinates (or annotation files) between different assemblies (such as Human hg18 (NCBI36) <> hg19 (GRCh37), Mouse mm9 (MGSCv37) <> mm10 (GRCm38)).
It supports most commonly... - Pilon is a software tool which can be used to:
Automatically improve draft assemblies
Find variation among strains, including large event detection
Pilon requires as input a FASTA file of the genome along with one or more BAM files of reads... - RATT is software to transfer annotation from a reference (annotated) genome to an unannotated query genome.
It was first developed to transfer annotations between different genome assembly versions. However, it can also transfer annotations between... - MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline.Its purpose is to allow smaller eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome projects to independently annotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats,... - Assessing genome assembly and annotation completeness with Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs
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ICRISAT is seeking applications from Indian Nationals for a Special Project Scientist to work on a sorghum genomics activities related to sequencing/re-sequencing projects utilizing New Generation Sequencing platforms.
The Job detail...
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Marikunnu P.O., Kozhikode – 673 012, Kerala
Walk- in- Test cum Interview (based on test) for the selection of Research Associate
under the scheme “Distributed... Human genome mapping is now enabling a breakthrough in medical innovation -- personalized medicine. What does this mean for patients? We can now identify predispositions to disease, predict how we metabolize drugs, and figure...
Our research group is primarily focused on the analysis of whole genome sequence data to identify genetic variation (primarily structural variation) and examine their potential functional impact in disease phenotypes. We are particularly interested...