- NxRepair is a python module that automatically detects large structural errors in de novo assemblies using Nextera mate pair reads. The decector will break a contig at the site of an identified misassembly and will generate a new fasta file... - The MIRO (the miRNA omics) pipeline is a flexible and powerful tool for the analysis of miRNA (or more generall short RNA) expression using short-read deep sequencing data. In its present implementation MIRO is especially adapted for the analysis of... - Segmental Duplication Assembler (SDA; constructs graphs in which paralogous sequence variants define the nodes and long-read sequences provide attraction and repulsion edges, enabling the partition and assembly of... - Entrez Direct (EDirect) is an advanced method for accessing the NCBI's suite of interconnected databases (publication, sequence, structure, gene, variation, expression, etc.) from a UNIX terminal window. Functions take search terms from command-line... - CONTIGuator is a Python script for Linux environments whose purpose is to speed-up the bacterial genome assembly process and to obtain a first insight of the genome structure using the well-known artemis comparison tool (ACT). - HASLR is a tool for rapid genome assembly of long sequencing reads. HASLR is a hybrid tool which means it requires long reads generated by Third Generation Sequencing technologies (such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore) together with Next Generation... - This is a comprehensive update to Shaun Purcell's PLINK command-line program, developed by Christopher Chang with support from the NIH-NIDDK's Laboratory of Biological Modeling, the Purcell Lab at Mount Sinai... - Now a days there are a lots of genomics databases available around the world. This bookmark is created to provide all links in one place ... - 2019nCoVR features comprehensive integration of genomic and proteomic sequences as well as their metadata information from the GISAID, NCBI, NMDC and CNCB/NGDC. It also incorporates a wide range of relevant information including scientific...
Walk in interview at 10.30 am on Nov 11th, 2016 for the following position at Distributed Information Sub-Centre (DISC) established by Dept. Of Biotechnology, Govt. of India at Indian Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat