Dr. Shivas Amin calls bioinformatics a "collision of biology and computers." Students learn how to use computers and skills in math and biology to analyze genome and proteome projects to prepare for high-demand jobs in the life sciences. Learn more...
github.com - Miniasm is a great long-read assembly tool: straight-forward, effective and very fast. However, it does not include a polishing step, so its assemblies have a high error rate – they are essentially made of stitched-together pieces of long...
A large international consortium of researchers has produced the first comprehensive, detailed map of the way genes work across the major cells and tissues of the human body.
github.com - HASLR is a tool for rapid genome assembly of long sequencing reads. HASLR is a hybrid tool which means it requires long reads generated by Third Generation Sequencing technologies (such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore) together with Next Generation...
gdblab.com - GSP4PDB is a user-friendly and efficient application to search and discover new patterns of protein-ligand interaction.
GSP4PDB is part of the services provided by the Bioinformatic Group of the University of...
Sidra Medical and Research Center(Doha, Qatar) is looking for talented Research Scientists (Bioinformatics / NGS Data Analysis).
Research Scientists within the Bioinformatics Program are involved in research related to cutting edge genomics and...
github.com - Liftoff, an accurate tool that maps annotations in GFF or GTF between assemblies of the same, or closely-related species. Unlike current coordinate lift-over tools which require a pre-generated “chain” file as input, Liftoff is a...
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for six months ‘Training Fellowship' at National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR).
About National Institute Of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR) http://www.nipgr.res.in/
The National...
www.broadinstitute.org - VICUNA is a de novo assembly program targeting populations with high mutation rates. It creates a single linear representation of the mixed population on which intra-host variants can be mapped. For clinical samples rich in...