Reformat is a member of the BBMap/BBTools package. It is a multipurpose tool designed for converting reads or other nucleotide data between different formats. It supports, and can inter-convert: fastq fasta fasta+qual sam scarf (an old Illumina... - The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce students to the frequently used tools for NGS analysis as well as giving experience in writing one-liners. Copy the required files to your current directory, change directory (cd) to the linuxTutorial... - Decoding SAM flags
This utility makes it easy to identify what are the properties of a read based on its SAM flag value, or conversely, to find what the SAM Flag value would be for a given combination of properties.
To decode a given SAM flag... - Scarpa is a stand-alone scaffolding tool for NGS data. It can be used together with virtually any genome assembler and any NGS read mapper that supports SAM format. Other features include support for multiple libraries and an option to estimate... - Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations using sequencing data. The methods are designed to detect shared variation using data from multiple individuals.Genome STRiP... - RePS (Repeat-masked Phrap with scaffolding), a WGS sequence assembler, that explicitly identifies exact kmer repeats from the shotgun data and removes them prior to the assembly. The established software Phrap is used to compute meaningful error... - HASLR, a hybrid assembler which uses both second and third generation sequencing reads to efficiently generate accurate genome assemblies. Our experiments show that HASLR is not only the fastest assembler but also the one with the lowest number of... - Most variant calling pipelines result in files containing large quantities of variant information. The variant call format (vcf) is an increasingly popular format for this data. The format of these files and their content is discussed in... - Miniasm is a very fast OLC-based de novo assembler for noisy long reads. It takes all-vs-all read self-mappings (typically by minimap) as input and outputs an assembly graph in the GFA format. Different from mainstream...