Global overview papers
Next generation quantitative genetics in plants. Jiménez-Gómez, Frontiers in Plant Science 2:77, 2011 Full Text [equally relevant to animal and microbial systems]
Sense from sequence reads: methods for...
The IITM-Tokyo Tech Joint Symposium is a biannual international symposium held in Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), India in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo-Tech), Japan.
Ever since a monk called Mendel started breeding pea plants we've been learning about our genomes. In 1953, Watson, Crick and Franklin described the structure of the molecule that makes up our genomes: the DNA double helix. Then, in 2001, scientists... - Magic-BLAST is a tool for mapping large next-generation RNA or DNA sequencing runs against a whole genome or transcriptome. Each alignment optimizes a composite score, taking into account simultaneously the two reads of a pair, and in case of... - JBrowse is a fast, embeddable genome browser built completely with JavaScript and HTML5, with optional run-once data formatting tools written in Perl.
Headline Features:
Fast, smooth scrolling and zooming. Explore your genome with unparalleled... - Software package for signal-level analysis of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. Nanopolish can calculate an improved consensus sequence for a draft genome assembly, detect base modifications, call SNPs and indels with respect to a reference genome...
Post-doctoral Research Assistant in Genetics
Camden, North London
£31.1K per annum inclusive of London Weighting
This is a fixed term post for 36 months.
We wish to recruit a highly motivated, postdoctoral scientist to carry out a BBSRC...
The Roth Lab seeks insight into biological systems through genome- and proteome-scale experimentation and analysis.
Current computational interests:
Systematic analysis of genetic epistasis to identify redundant or compensatory systems and to... - We propose AirLift, a methodology and tool for comprehensively moving mappings and annotations from one genome to another similar genome while maintaining the accuracy of a full mapper.