My main topics of interest are:
The impact of non tree-like evolution such as horizontal gene transfers and hybridization on species biology
Evolution and adaptation of animals in the absence of sexual reproduction and the underlying... - R is powerful tool for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning. And it costs $0 to use! Here are six FREE books you can use to learn R... - This is the course material for STAT115/215 BIO/BST282 at Harvard University.
Xiaole Shirley Liu (lead instructor)Joshua StarmerMartin HembergTing WangFeng Yue
Ming TangYang LiuJack KangScarlett GeJiazhen RongPhillip NicolMaartin De Vries
We... - To run the application on UNIX from the downloaded jar file run the UNIX:
java -mx512m -jar BamView.jar
and extra command line options are given when '-h' is used:
java -jar BamView.jar -h
BAM files can be specified on the command line with the...
Institut Pasteur de Tunis (IPT):The IPT is a research institution founded in 1883. IPT is under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and is part of the Université El Manar of Tunis (Ministry of high Education). The missions...
Lab are included within the Genomics, Bioinformatics and Evolution group of the UAB, and collaborate closely with other researchers in the Barcelona area, such as Xavier Estivill of the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Juan R González of the...
In our lab, we seek to characterize and to compare genomes in order to better understand genetic and evolutionary processes linking genotypes to phenotypes.
Sequencing and decoding plant genomes have been integral in our approaches.
A walk-in-interview will be held on 15.7.2013 at 12 noon in the Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, 92 A.P.C Road, Kolkata-700 009 to select one trainee research fellow and two students under...