Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission invite applications [Online Only] under various projects* namely Gujarat Biodiversity Gene Bank (BioGene), Gujarat Institute of Genomics (GIG), Gujarat Institute of Bioinformatics [GIBS] and Gujarat Institute of... - ASCIIGenome is a genome browser based on command line interface and designed for running from console terminals.
Since ASCIIGenome does not require a graphical interface it is particularly useful for quickly visualizing genomic data... - Often, genome assembly projects have illumina whole genome sequencing reads available for the assembled individual. The k-mer spectrum of this read set can be used for independently evaluating assembly quality without the need of a high quality...
The main theme of our research is the understanding of how genetic information is decoded from DNA into RNA and proteins. Someone may find this topic a little strange and argue that we already know how this is happening.
Translational recoding.... - ARCS requires two input files:
Draft assembly fasta file
Interleaved linked reads file (Barcode sequence expected in the BX tag of the read header or in the form "@readname_barcode" ; Run Long Ranger basic on raw chromium reads to...
Applications are invited from interested candidates for the post of one Junior Research Fellow / Project Fellow on a purely temporary basis in a time bound research project (3 years) sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of... - LTR_Finder is an efficient program for finding full-length LTR retrotranspsons in genome sequences.
The Program first constructs all exact match pairs by a suffix-array based algorithm and extends them to long highly similar pairs. Then...
Established by Government of Rajasthan
Approved by UGC under Sec 2(f) of UGC Act 1956
Jaipur National University, Jaipur is a premier... - Validated a widely accessible approach that can be used to establish functional causality for noncoding sequence variants identified by GWASs.
Advt. No. (1)/BP/2014
A walk-in-interview will be held in the Biotech Park Office at Sector G, Jankipuram, Kursi Road, Lucknow (U.P.) January 31, 2014 at 11.00 A.M. for the following posts of DBT sponsored project tenable at Biotech Park....