This group is dedicated to Comparative genomics ... Dramatic results have emerged from the rapidly developing field of comparative genomics. Comparison of the fruit fly genome with the human genome reveals that about sixty percent of genes are conserved (Adams et al. 2000). That is, the two organisms appear to share a core set of genes. Researchers have also found that two-thirds of human genes known to be involved in cancer have counterparts in the fruit fly.
SANBI are looking to recruit two MSc students and a PhD student who are interested in implementing a computational biology approach to explore HIV’s glycan shield. Successful candidates for the MSc should hold an honours degree in physics, computer... - BioKit is a set of tools dedicated to bioinformatics, data visualisation (biokit.viz), access to online biological data (e.g. UniProt, NCBI thanks to bioservices). It also contains more advanced tools related to data analysis... - "DRAWID has number of advantages including a user-friendly interactive interface, possibility for simultaneous chromosome and FISH/GISH/banding signal measurement and idiogram drawing as well as number of useful functions facilitating the procedure...
Sandelin group have a deep interest in most biology, but focus on gene regulation and the many areas that are connected with this, including transcriptomics, epigenetics and technological and informatics aspects.
The group is both computational...
Agricultural research in modern scientific arena is being represented by proper integration among various research fields of biological, chemical and physical sciences, because this field encompasses many more complexities of biology in nature. In... - Collection of Python libraries to parse bioinformatics files, or perform computation related to assembly, annotation, and comparative genomics.
A post-doctoral fellowship is available in the research groups of Nick Goldman (EBI) and John Welch (Genetics Department, Cambridge University) under the EMBL-EBI / Cambridge Computational Biomedical Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme.
The project is...