- ARCS requires two input files:
Draft assembly fasta file
Interleaved linked reads file (Barcode sequence expected in the BX tag of the read header or in the form "@readname_barcode" ; Run Long Ranger basic on raw chromium reads to...
This group interested in modeling genome dynamics in following topics:
---how genetic variation is distributed within and between individuals,
---determining how this diversity changes over evolutionary time.
Hence, Cox group work at the... - LTR_retriever is a command line program (in Perl) for accurate identification of LTR retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) from outputs of LTRharvest, LTR_FINDER, and/or MGEScan-LTR and generating non-redundant LTR-RT library for genome annotations.
For additional information visit
Dr. Joel Saltz is a Professor in the Departments of Pathology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, and Mathematics and Computer Science at
Emory University. Dr. Saltz's...
Air date: Wednesday, January 04, 2012, 3:00:00 PM
Time displayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
Description: There is a broad consensus that cancer is the result of somatic cells having serially...
Scientists have reconstructed the genome of an ancient human who lived nearly 5,700 years ago in Southern Denmark from the birch pitch- an ancient tar-like substance.
University of Padova (URL:
A research fellowship is available at the BioComputing Laboratory, University of Padova (URL: A highly motivated and creative candidate is sought to work on...
On Jan 10 2020, while news of the first fatality was barely trickling in, the 29,903 letters constituting the viral genome from an affected individual in Wuhan had already been elucidated (even though a few corrections were made subsequently).
Contract Faculty-Bioinformatics at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
Job Description:F.No.11/10(1)/929 Qualifications: Candidates should have Ph.D. degree. If Ph.D. candidates are not available at least Post Graduate degree with... - Phytozome, the Plant Comparative Genomics portal of the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute, provides JGI users and the broader plant science community a hub for accessing, visualizing and analyzing JGI-sequenced plant genomes, as well as...