- Among life scientists, from clinicians to environmental researchers, a common theme is the need not just to use, and gain familiarity with, bioinformatics tools and resources but also to understand their underlying fundamental theoretical and...
Walk-in-Interview is scheduled to be held on the date as mentioned below for selection of Suitable candidates in the following areas under the DBT sponsored projecT on purely temporary basis for the duration of the project(s) or till completion of...
Bio-IT World and Cambridge Healthtech Institute's fifth international Clinical Genomics & Informatics Europe conference will feature four main tracks on Clinical Exome Sequencing, High Scale Computing, Genome Informatics, and RNA-Seq and...
Walk-in-Interview is scheduled to be held on the date as mentioned below for selection of Suitable candidates in the following areas under the DBT sponsored project on purely temporary basis for the duration of the project(s) or till completion of...
The purpose of this book is to give an introduction into statistics in order to solve some problems of bioinformatics. Statistics provides procedures to explore and visualize data as well as to test biological hypotheses. The book intends to be... - The BETSY provides a command-line interface and available at A user first searches in the knowledge base for desired output and then BETSY develops an initial workflow to produce that data which is later...
The Research and Innovation Centre at the Fondazione Edmund Mach (CRI-FEM) is a major international research institution with strong and expanding research interests in Fruit Genomics, Quality Health and Nutrition of Agricultural Products,...
The Institute of Neurobiology UNAM ( offers a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor (Investigador Asociado C) to develop an original research program in Bioinformatics with applications to neuroscience and to...
PhD position in biochemistry towards bioinformatics at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Reference number: SU FV-2293-13. Deadline for application: September 10, 2013.
Project title: Functional Inference from Domain Architecture and...