We use couple of hundreads of command in daily basis. Most of them are actually repeated several time. The question remain open how do I search old command history under bash shell and modify or reuse it? Now a days almost all modern shell allows...
infoplatter.wordpress.com - It is amusing how brain of bioinformaticians work! Learning a new programming language for days feels so much of fun that making 5 minute discussion with neighbours (unless under special circumstances!) in our own mother-tongue. Today every...
github.com - MitoZ is a Python3-based toolkit which aims to automatically filter pair-end raw data (fastq files), assemble genome, search for mitogenome sequences from the genome assembly result, annotate mitogenome (genbank file as result), and mitogenome...
The research group of Dr. Michele Trabucchi at the Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (C3M) at INSERM U1065 (University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France) is seeking candidates for a Postdoctoral fellow position to start on October 2014 for...
console.cloud.google.com - List of publically available databases on google server.
More at https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/download/bundle
Lab focus is to elucidate fundamental principles, new mechanisms, machineries and emergent properties that are involved in maintaining the genome and gene expression programmes for improvements in lifelong health and well-being for all.
More at...
github.com - INC-Seq reads enabled accurate species-level classification, identification of species at 0.1 % abundance and robust quantification of relative abundances, providing a cheap and effective approach for pathogen detection and microbiome profiling...
Jan Lisec from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology explains, in this "pimp your brain" episode, what bioinformatics is and why bioinformatics is so important and indispensable for biological research.
In the video serial "Pimp...
github.com - ARCS, an application that utilizes the barcoding information contained in linked reads to further organize draft genomes into highly contiguous assemblies. We show how the contiguity of an ABySS H.sapiensgenome assembly can be increased over...