F. No.: 2-19/2011-Adm.I
Research Associate Biotechnology /JRF / Lab. Assistant recruitment in Indian Institute of Vegetable Research
Genomics assisted selection of Solanum chilense introgression lines for enhancing drought...
Near Basant Vihar G.T. Road Bypass P.O. Box No.129,
Karnal-132001 (Haryana)
A walk-in-Interview is proposed to be held at National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal (Haryana)-132001 at...
Live Webinar on RNA-Seq Data Analysis
Abstract: Strand NGS supports an extensive workflow for the analysis and visualization of RNA-Seq data. The workflow includes Transcriptome / Genome alignment, Differential expression analysis with Statistical...
Pay Scale:Rs.24000+ 30% HRA) for Ph.D. and for M. Sc Rs.23000/‐ (+ 30% HRA)
Educational Requirements:Ph.D. Degree in Bioinformatics/Molecular Biology/Biotechnology/ Genetics/allied sciences; or M. Sc in Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/Life Sciences/...
fragment size: the Illumina WGS protocol generates paired-end reads from both ends of longer fragments. The lengths of these fragments are assumed to be sampled from a normal distribution. Therefore, in the absence of structural variants,...
NIPGR Recruitment 2015 – Apply for Research Associate Posts
NIPGR is commonly known as National Institute of Plant Genome Research. Recently, it’s great opportunity for those candidates who are interested to do job in NIPGR. National Institute of...
github.com - Mix is a tool that combines two or more draft assemblies, without relying on a reference genome and has the goal to reduce contig fragmentation and thus speed-up genome finishing. The proposed algorithm builds an extension graph where vertices...
github.com - HALC, a high throughput algorithm for long read error correction. HALC aligns the long reads to short read contigs from the same species with a relatively low identity requirement so that a long read region can be aligned to at least one contig...