wishart.biology.ualberta.ca - GView is a Java package used to display and navigate bacterial genomes. GView is useful for producing high-quality genome maps for use in publications and websites, or as a visualization tool in a sequence annotation pipeline. Users can interact...
userweb.eng.gla.ac.uk - This webpage lists some of the one-liners that we frequently use in metagenomic analyses. You can click on the following links to browse through different topics. You can copy/paste the commands as they are in your terminal screen, provided you...
brig.sourceforge.net - BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data. The application is available at:...
nemo2.sourceforge.net - A recombination map has been added for all multi-locus traits. The map positions (chromosomal) for neutral markers (e.g. SNPs) and loci under selection (QTLs, deleterious mutations, DMIs) can now be specified explicitly, or set at random....
Structural variants (SVs) such as deletions, insertions, duplications, inversions and translocations litter genomes and are often associated with gene expression changes and severe phenotypes (ie. genetic diseases in humans).
www.sciencedirect.com - MyPro is an improved genomics software pipeline for prokaryotic genomes. MyPro is user-friendly and requires minimal programming skills. High-quality prokaryotic genome assembly and annotation can be obtained with ease. It performed better than de...
Randomness and Probability
Randomness and probability are two differnet concepts: probaility is a measure (according to measure theory) which measures the randomness. Randomness is the object to be measured by probability. For example,...
The genome assemblers generally take a file of short sequence reads and a file of quality-value as the input. Since the quality-value file for the high throughput short reads is usually highly memory-intensive, only a few assemblers, best suited for...
onlinecourses.science.psu.edu - One of our primary focuses will be to develop an understanding of the various ways in which we can assign a probability to some chance event. We'll also learn the fundamental properties of probability, investigate how probability behaves,...
sourceforge.net - EXCAVATOR2 is a collection of bash, R and Fortran scripts and codes that analyses Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data to identify CNVs. EXCAVATOR2 enhances the identification of all genomic CNVs, both overlapping and non-overlapping targeted exons by...