Qualifications: Candidates must have a Ph.D. and a strong background in Molecular and Cellular Biology, protein expression, FACS, or computational biology, and ability to work collaboratively.
This position will have a significant focus on...
github.com - MGSE can harness the power of files generated in genome sequencing projects to predict the genome size. Required are the FASTA file containing a high continuity assembly and a BAM file with all available reads mapped to this assembly. The script...
An opportunity to perform research in DST supported project that involves building of mathematical models to understand the functional relationship between circadian rhythms and memory formation under stressful condition. In this project,...
github.com - The first and the only pre-alignment filtering algorithm that works efficiently and fast on modern CPU, FPGA, and GPU architectures. SneakySnake greatly (by more than two orders of magnitude) expedites sequence alignment calculation for both short...
Our research is at the crossroad between cell biology, ecological genomics, systems biology, molecular evolution and population genetics. We study the architecture and evolution of protein and signalling...
chlorobox.mpimp-golm.mpg.de - OrganellarGenomeDRAW converts annotations in the GenBank or EMBL/ENA format into graphical maps. The input has to be a GenBank or EMBL/ENA flat file wherase the output can vary among several types of files....
We are involved in the development of methods and software in chemoinformatics. Current main projects are:
1.automatic learning of chemical reactivity and metabolism,
2.simulation of NMR spectra,
3.modelling of properties of ionic liquids,...
Here come on let play with the following basic command line usage of the ssh client.1. Check your SSH Client Version:Checking for your SSH client is very sare, but sometimes it may be necessary to identify the SSH client that you are currently...
www.science.org - Telomere-to-telomere consortium
We have sequenced the CHM13hTERT human cell line with a number of technologies. Human genomic DNA was extracted from the cultured cell line. As the DNA is native, modified bases will be preserved. The data includes...