- Breedbase is a comprehensive breeding management and analysis software. It can be used to design field layouts, collect phenotypic information using tablets, support the collection of genotyping samples in a field, store large amounts of high... - PASA, acronym for Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments, is a eukaryotic genome annotation tool that exploits spliced alignments of expressed transcript sequences to automatically model gene structures, and to maintain gene structure annotation... - GLEAN is an unsupervised learning system to integrate disparate sources of gene structure evidence (gene model predictions, EST/protein genomic sequence alignments, SAGE/peptide tags, etc) to produce a consensus gene prediction, without prior... - This tool is used to merge structural variants (SVs) across samples. Each sample has a number of SV calls, consisting of position information (chromosome, start, end, length), type and strand information, and a number of other values. Jasmine...
NAvin laboratory has pioneered the development of single cell sequencing technologies. They apply these tools to study complex biological processes that occur in human cancers including tumor initation, clonal evolution, invasion, metastasis and...
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), the “non-sexual movement of genetic material between two organisms” , is relatively common in prokaryotes and single-celled eukaryotes, but a number of factors combine to make it far rarer in...