- FQC is software that facilitates quality control of FASTQ files by carrying out a QC protocol using FastQC, parsing results, and aggregating quality metrics into an interactive dashboard designed to richly summarize individual sequencing runs. The...
Our group works on various problems connected with the functioning and evolution of biological systems. We use mathematical tools, coming from statistics and combinatorics, algorithmic tools and molecular physics tools to study basic principles of... - Mulan performs multiple (2 or more) sequence alignments with an efficient and rapid "full local" alignment strategy that ensures a recapitulation of evolutionary sequence rearrangements (such as inversions and reshuffling) in any of the species. It... - ACANA is an accurate and consistent alignment tool for DNA sequences. ACANA is specifically designed for aligning sequences that share only some moderately conserved regions and/or have a high frequency of long insertions or deletions. It attempts...
Near Basant Vihar G.T. Road Bypass P.O. Box No.129
Karnal - 132001 (Haryana)
A walk-in-Interview is proposed to be held at National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal... - GPOPSIM is a simulation tool for pedigree, phenotypes, and genomic data, with a variety of population and genome structures and trait genetic architectures. It provides flexible parameter settings for a wide discipline of users, especially can...
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work at the Department of Bioinformatics, Aravind Medical Research Foundation in the following DST-SERB funded project “Clinical exome analysis... - %MM calculates whether a given gene sequence encodes amino acids using the most common codons possible, the least common codons possible, or (most typically) some combination of these extremes. See our PLoS ONE paper for more details on how the...
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#Find all occurrences of a pattern in a string.#Given: Strings Pattern and Genome.#Return: All starting positions in Genome where Pattern appears as a substring. Use 0-based indexing.use strict;use...