The Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility has started working in the year 2007 at Presidency College, Kolkata. It is one of the premier institutes of India and boasts of a rich heritage and great alumni. The Infrastructure Facility has a dedicated... - PLOS present collection of Education articles: “Translational Bioinformatics”. This collection is presented as an online “book” which could serve as a reference tool for a graduate level introductory course, marking a...
Translational Bioinformatics: Transforming 300 Billion Points of Data into Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and New Insights into Disease
Air date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 3:00:00 PM
Time displayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local... - Genomicus is a genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions: linearly along chromosome axes, transversaly across different species, and chronologicaly along evolutionary time.
Once a query gene has been entered, it...
Bioinformatician life is interconnected, they always dream for a powerful server, little more space on server as they are generating lots of data per run, dream to publish results in good impact journals, meetings reminders :) and research analysis... - Mugsy is a multiple whole genome aligner. Mugsy uses Nucmer for pairwise alignment, a custom graph based segmentation procedure for identifying collinear regions, and the segment-based progressive multiple alignment strategy from Seqan::TCoffee....
This is a promo video for the brand new cross-boarder branch of study - BIOINFORMATICS. It´s a co-operation between Johannes Kepler University in Linz (Austria) and University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (Czech Republic). Written, Edited...
Genome browsers are useful not only for showing final results but also for improving analysis protocols, testing data quality, and generating result drafts. Its integration in analysis pipelines allows the optimization of parameters, which... - This tutorial is intended to introduce users quickly to the basics of R, focusing on a few common tasks that biologists need to perform some basic analysis: load a table, plot some graphs, and perform some basic statistics. More...