- ChIP-seq simulation pipeline, ChIPulate, we assess the impact of various biological and experimental sources of variation on several outcomes of a ChIP-seq experiment, viz., the recoverability of the TF binding motif, accuracy of TF-DNA binding... - "New technology that quickly, easily and economically reveals the genomes of viruses and pathogens transforms public health and medicine."
Source: Life technologies - Excellent article to introduce different sequencing methods along with tools for de novo assembly of sequencing reads and their relevant references.
Title: Comparison of Short Read De Novo Alignment Algorithms
Author: Nikhil Gopal - A. Hatem, D. Bozdag, A. E. Toland, U. V. Catalyurek "Benchmarking short sequence mapping tools" BMC Bioinformatics, 14(1):184, 2013.
Other similiar... - The enormous size of the loblolly pine genome having 22 billion base pairs compared to only 3 billion in the human genome. In other words, it is seven times larger than a human’s and also the largest and the most... - "By removing the time-consuming step of read mapping, the authors reported, Sailfish able to provide quantification estimates 20–30 times faster than current methods without loss of accuracy."
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Your genome, every human's genome, consists of a unique DNA sequence of A's, T's, C's and G's that tell your cells how to operate. Thanks to technological...
Pathway Analysis is usually performed with aim to enrich the genes with their functional information and reveal the underlying biological mechanisms pursue by genes. Pathway Analysis is not only limited to what biological pathways a particular set... - Cutadapt finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads.
Cleaning your data in this way is often required: Reads from small-RNA sequencing contain the...