- AlignGraph is a software that extends and joins contigs or scaffolds by reassembling them with help provided by a reference genome of a closely related organism.
Using AlignGraph
AlignGraph --read1 reads_1.fa --read2 reads_2.fa --contig contigs.fa... - We are pleased to release PRICE (Paired-Read Iterative Contig Extension), a de novo genome assembler implemented in C++. Its name describes the strategy that it implements for genome assembly: PRICE uses paired-read information to iteratively... - G-compass ( is a comparative genome browser. It visualizes evolutionarily conserved genomic regions between human and other 12 vertebrates based on original genome alignments pursuing higher coverage (1,2).... - Download and install MUMmer
Align your assembly to a reference genome using nucmer (from MUMmer package)
$ nucmer -maxmatch -l 100 -c 500 REFERENCE.fa ASSEMBLY.fa -prefix OUT
Consult the MUMmer manual if you encounter problems
Optional: Gzip... - Cogent is a tool that identifies gene families and reconstructs the coding genome using high-quality transcriptome data without a reference genome, and can be used to check assemblies for the presence of these known coding... - We propose AirLift, a methodology and tool for comprehensively moving mappings and annotations from one genome to another similar genome while maintaining the accuracy of a full mapper. - Contiguity preserving transposition and sequencing (CPT-seq) is an entirely in vitro means of generating libraries comprised of 9216 indexed pools, each of which contains thousands of sparsely sequenced long fragments ranging from 5 kilobases to... - I-PV is a interactive data visualization software designed for inspection of protein sequences and mutation information. It is mainly used for Genetics and Bioinformatics. So what exactly makes it standout? - Provides interactive, configurable and elegant graphics visualization of the chromosomes or chromosome regions of any living organism allowing users to map chromosome elements (like genes, SNPs etc.) on the chromosome plot. It introduces a special...