Integrated solutions * CLCbio Genomics Workbench - de novo and reference assembly of Sanger, Roche FLX, Illumina, Helicos, and SOLiD data. Commercial next-gen-seq software that extends the CLCbio Main Workbench software. Includes SNP detection,... - Canu is a fork of the Celera Assembler designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing (such as the PacBio RSII or Oxford Nanopore MinION). The software is currently alpha level, feel free to use and report issues encountered.
Canu is... - The Genome Assembly Evaluation Metrics and Reporting (GAEMR) package is an assembly analysis framework composed a number of integrated modules. These modules can be executed as a single program to generate a complete... - Orthology relations can be used to transfer annotations from one gene (or protein) to another. Hence, detecting orthology relations has become an important task in the post-genomic era. Various genomic events, such as duplication and horizontal gene... - Quality assessment of this mRNA Transcript Assembly Software is described in EvidentialGene_quality.
Too many transcript assemblies is much better than too few. It allows one then to apply biological criteria to pick out the best ones. Don't...
We are recruiting for an exceptional individual to join us as a computational scientist, bioinformatician, or (research) software engineer with an interest in interactive data analysis platforms for biology and medicine within our Jalview...
licheng/gccfilter - gccfilter is a perl filter to colorize and simplify (or expand) gcc diagnostic messages. gccfilter is particularly aimed at g++ (i.e. dealinging with C++) messages which can contain lot of template-related errors or warnings... - MashMap is a fast and approximate software for mapping long reads (PacBio/ONT) or assembly to reference genome(s). It maps a query sequence against a reference region if and only if its estimated alignment identity is above a specified threshold. It... - OAT uses OrthoANI to measure the overall similarity between two genome sequences. ANI and OrthoANI are comparable algorithms: they share the same species demarcation cut-off at 95~96% and large comparison studies have demonstrated both algorithms to...
TGS technologies have been used to produce highly accurate de novo assemblies of hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous reconstructions of many dozens of plant and animal genomes, enabling new insights into evolution and sequence...