- ARCS, an application that utilizes the barcoding information contained in linked reads to further organize draft genomes into highly contiguous assemblies. We show how the contiguity of an ABySS H.sapiensgenome assembly can be increased over... - RagTag is a collection of software tools for scaffolding and improving modern genome assemblies. Tasks include:
Homology-based misassembly correction
Homology-based assembly scaffolding and patching
Scaffold merging - compare two BWA mapping methods with the online hg18-mapped data
We first operate a rapid inspection of the different BAM files using samtools flagstat. Illumina provided chr21 read mapping obtained with their GA IIx deep...
The Regular Expression are the sole of Perl language, and for bioinformatician it is just a magical stick to resolve gingatic string data. We did not find any good and user friendly regular expression cheat sheet, hence write our own cheat... - GView is a Java package used to display and navigate bacterial genomes. GView is useful for producing high-quality genome maps for use in publications and websites, or as a visualization tool in a sequence annotation pipeline. Users can interact... - Murasaki is an anchor alignment program that is
exteremely fast (17 CPU hours for whole Human x Mouse genome (with 40 nodes: 35 wall minutes), or 8 mammals in 21 CPU hours (42 wall minutes))
scalable (Arbitrarily parallelizable across multiple... - The MIRO (the miRNA omics) pipeline is a flexible and powerful tool for the analysis of miRNA (or more generall short RNA) expression using short-read deep sequencing data. In its present implementation MIRO is especially adapted for the analysis of... - Background: Transcriptomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, and other various next-generation sequencing (-omics) fields are known for their production of large datasets. Visualizing such big data has posed technical challenges in biology, both in... - LINKS is a genomics application for scaffolding genome assemblies with long reads, such as those produced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd. It can be used to scaffold high-quality draft genome assemblies with any long sequences (eg. ONT reads,... - SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed representation of DNA sequence reads.
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