www.e-rna.org - R-chie allows you to make arc diagrams of RNA secondary structures, allowing for easy comparison and overlap of two structures, rank and display basepairs in colour and to also visualize corresponding multiple sequence alignments and...
brig.sourceforge.net - BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data. The application is available...
journal.frontiersin.org - We have developed gbtools, a software package that allows users to visualize metagenomic assemblies by plotting coverage (sequencing depth) and GC values of contigs, and also to annotate the plots with taxonomic information. Different sets of...
sourceforge.net - Contiguity preserving transposition and sequencing (CPT-seq) is an entirely in vitro means of generating libraries comprised of 9216 indexed pools, each of which contains thousands of sparsely sequenced long fragments ranging from 5 kilobases to...
hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu - This directory contains Genome Browser and Blat application binaries built for standalone command-line use on various supported Linux and UNIX platforms. To determine which set of binaries to download, type "uname -a" on the command line to display...
www.nature.com - The UCSC SARS-CoV-2 Genome Browser (https://genome.ucsc.edu/covid19.html) is an adaptation of our popular genome-browser visualization tool for this virus, containing many annotation tracks and new features, including conservation with similar...
github.com - ASCIIGenome is a genome browser based on command line interface and designed for running from console terminals.
Since ASCIIGenome does not require a graphical interface it is particularly useful for quickly visualizing genomic data...
github.com - A comparative genome scaffolding tool based on MUMmer
mScaffolder scaffolds a genome using an existing high quality genome as the reference. It aligns the two genomes using nucmer utility from MUMmer and then orders and orients the contigs of the...
github.com - Genome U-Plot for producing clear and intuitive graphs that allows researchers to generate novel insights and hypotheses by visualizing SVs such as deletions, amplifications, and chromoanagenesis events. The main features of the Genome U-Plot are...