A major focus of our lab is understanding the effects of genetic variation on molecular phenotypes and human disease. We develop methods for integrating diverse functional genomic datasets of transcription, chromatin modifications, regulator...
www.sciencedirect.com - Orthology relations can be used to transfer annotations from one gene (or protein) to another. Hence, detecting orthology relations has become an important task in the post-genomic era. Various genomic events, such as duplication and horizontal gene...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - HGT-Finder:
(i) can be used for HGT detection in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
(ii) can report a statistical P value for each gene to indicate how likely it is to be horizontally transferred, and
(iii) is fully automated (requires...
http://biogps.org/ - BioGPS opened 2016 with a publication in Nucleic Acids Research, right after the New Year holiday. Throughout the year, new designs for the site were being created, reviewed, adjusted, reviewed, adjusted, and more review/adjustments in anticipation...
bioinformatics.sdstate.edu - 2/3/2020: Now published by Bioinformatics.
11/3/2019: V 0.61, Improve graphical visualization (thanks to reviewers). Interactive networks and much more.
5/20/2019: V.0.60, Annotation database updated to Ensembl 96. New bacterial and fungal...
github.com - AGORA stands for “Algorithm for Gene Order Reconstruction in Ancestors” and was developed by Matthieu Muffato in the DYOGEN Laboratory at the École normale supérieure in Paris in 2008.
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www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - A new approach to rapid, genome-wide identification and ranking of horizontal transfer candidate proteins is presented. The method is quantitative, reproducible, and computationally undemanding. It can be combined with genomic signature and/or...
github.com - A computational pipeline for genome-wide detection of putative horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events based on sequence homology search hit distribution statistics
Authors: Qiyun Zhu (qiyunzhu@gmail.com), Katharina Dittmar...
github.com - The algorithm presented herein, Mining Algorithm for GenetIc Controllers (MAGIC), uses ENCODE ChIP-seq data to look for statistical enrichment of TFs and cofactors in gene bodies and flanking regions in gene lists without...
github.com - OMArk is a software for proteome (protein-coding gene repertoire) quality assessment. It provides measures of proteome completeness, characterizes the consistency of all protein coding genes with regard to their homologs, and identifies the presence...