We are involved in the development of methods and software in chemoinformatics. Current main projects are:
1.automatic learning of chemical reactivity and metabolism,
2.simulation of NMR spectra,
3.modelling of properties of ionic liquids,...
glittr.org - Glittr is a curated list of bioinformatics training material.All material is:
In a GitHub or GitLab repository
Free to use
Written in markdown or similar
NOTE: This list of courses is selected only based on the above criteria.There...
Here come on let play with the following basic command line usage of the ssh client.1. Check your SSH Client Version:Checking for your SSH client is very sare, but sometimes it may be necessary to identify the SSH client that you are currently...
This is a presentation about some fundamental concepts applied in molecular biology and genetics, also it contains a little bit of the experience that one of our members has gained in his years of undergraduate state related to molecular cloning....
Applications are invited upto 12th February 2021 in the prescribed format (available on the websites of ICMR-NIMR) through link http://onlineapply.nimr.org.in/ up to 05:00 PM on 12th February 2021 for the following post on contract basis at NIMR,...
The focus of the Gerstein Lab is interpreting personal genomes, particularly in relation to disorders, such as cancer. This endeavor has a number of related aspects described below. Moreover, the approaches we take have broad connections to a...
mummer4.github.io - MUMmer4, a substantially improved version of MUMmer that addresses genome size constraints by changing the 32-bit suffix tree data structure at the core of MUMmer to a 48-bit suffix array, and that offers improved speed through parallel processing...
University of Calcutta
Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics
Applications are invited for admission to the Ph.D. programme in the Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta...
https://kubernetes.io/ - It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes builds upon 15 years of experience of running production workloads at Google, combined with best-of-breed ideas and practices from...