- This tutorial is intended to introduce users quickly to the basics of R, focusing on a few common tasks that biologists need to perform some basic analysis: load a table, plot some graphs, and perform some basic statistics. More... - Employing different technologies, the purpose of NGS platform is to decode the identity or modification on the nucleotides. NGS platforms evolve quickly and capture the main stream.
This bookmark is created to provide NGS online books links.
Part of the reason R has become so popular is the vast array of packages available at the cran and bioconductor repositories. In the last few years, the number of packages has grown exponentially!
This is a short post giving steps on how to... - In machine learning, computers apply statistical learning techniques to automatically identify patterns in data. These techniques can be used to make highly accurate predictions.
More at - Understanding Following table and graphs
Duplication level
kmer profile
per base GC content
per base N content
per base quality
per base sequence content
per sequence GC content
per sequence quality
sequence length distribution
More at... - SLURM workload manager software, a free open-source workload manager designed specifically to satisfy the demanding needs of high performance computing.
This page is a HOWTO guide for setting up a SLURM installation, currently focused on a CentOS 7... - The objective of this activity is to help you understand how to run Velvet in general, how to accurately estimate the insert size of a paired-end library through the use of Bowtie, the primary parameters of velvet, and the process... - NGS data are just a bunch of sequences, you have no idea which region in the genome each sequences comes from, which gene it represents...To know that you have to align the sequences to the reference sequence. The reference sequence is in most cases...