MGI, a subsidiary of global genomics leader BGI Group, announced pricing and its first early access customer for the new ultra high-throughput sequencer, MGISEQ-T7, saying it has driven down sequencing cost to $5 per gigabyte
We have a great pleasure to invite you to the NGSymposium in Computational Biology to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the NGSchool Summer Schools. This international conference will make way for exchanging knowledge and experiences between... - Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for the display and manipulation of phylogenetic trees. It provides most of the features available in other tree viewers, and offers a novel circular tree layout, which makes it easy to visualize... - VCF2PopTree is a client-side software written in Javascript and it runs purely within the user’s computer/browser. VCF2PopTree is compatible with all population browsers including Chrome, Opera, Edge and Firefox and works equally...