- Created by Stephen Johnson, Brett Trost, Dr. Jeffrey R. Long, Dr. Anthony Kusalik University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science
BEAR is intended to be an easy-to-use collection of scripts for generating simulated WGS metagenomic reads... - These tutorials are written for hundreds of bioinformaticians trying to cope with large volume of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. NGS technologies brought a dramatic shift in the world of sequencing. Merely five years back, genome sequencing... - DISCO is a multi threaded and multiprocess distributed memory overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) metagenome assembler. Disco was developed as a scalable assembler to assemble large metagenomes from billions of Illumina sequencing reads of complex... - Omega found overlaps between reads using a prefix/suffix hash table. The overlap graph of reads was simplified by removing transitive edges and trimming short branches. Unitigs were generated based on minimum cost flow analysis of the overlap graph... - A de novo genome assembly can be summarised b
y a number of metrics, including:
Overall assembly length
Number of scaffolds/contigs
Length of longest scaffold/contig
Scaffold/contig N50 and N90Assembly base composition, in... - HapCUT2 is a maximum-likelihood-based tool for assembling haplotypes from DNA sequence reads, designed to "just work" with excellent speed and accuracy. We found that previously described haplotype assembly methods are specialized for specific read... - SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing.
Please email your questions, comments, suggestions, and bug reports to... - SKESA is a DeBruijn graph-based de-novo assembler designed for assembling reads of microbial genomes sequenced using Illumina. Comparison with SPAdes and MegaHit shows that SKESA produces assemblies that have high sequence quality and contiguity,...